
IAMA Art Museum in San Francisco

  Mist, Clouds, and Autumnal Color Artist: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III "Mist, Clouds, and Autumnal Color" is a splash-color painting that conveys a very strong sense of flowing watery ink and colors. An air of power and grandeur expressed through clouds that seem to swallow mountains and waters pervades the entire painting. The natural captivating charm of this scene is similar to the charm of a scene on the ground after a long, flowing river has just rolled by. This setting is embellished with red maple leaves and houses amid autumnal, cloudy mountains, presenting a wonderful image distinctly characteristic of fall. When carefully examining the watery ink that produced such charm, one can see beautiful areas that are themselves paintings within a painting and details that are hidden within rough brushwork. Even within small areas are subtle variations of darkness and light, of the surreal and the real, all the while embodying splendid charm. This painting is one of the repre...


第五, 有些人說,巴登洛德法王這次應考 金剛換體禪 境行開頂時,結果看到了人群中和滿虛空都是不同顏色、不同光度、不同形狀、且閃光變幻出現消失、消失又出現的曼陀羅,問這是修什麼法的威神力造成的佛土世界? 我們辦公室早已公告:自始至終都不參與聖德非聖德的考試,第三世多杰羌佛在辦公室的第二十三號公告已明說不參與聖德考試。今天已經是再三說明,第三世多杰羌佛沒有參與聖德的考試,以後也不參與任何聖德的考試。你們要印證考試時虛空的境相,和喜饒根登修 金剛換體禪 開頂的結果,第三世多杰羌佛和辦公室對此不了解實情,僅從錄像帶上看到了在虛空有大小、各種顏色如西藏唐卡曼陀羅的幻化體,至於為什麼有這些現象,我們不在現場,不清楚是什麼法造成的現象,而且對錄像機的功能也不了解,因此不予作評。既然有七師十證在現場監考,應該看十七個仁波且、法師們的定論。 金剛換體禪 金剛換體禪 更多內容:            公告/第三世多杰羌佛辦公室第二十五號公告-11152011

世界和平獎 「世界和平獎」頒獎典禮,六月十四日在美國國會金廳舉行。「最高榮譽獎」得主,第三世多杰羌佛及本傑明.吉爾曼,接受此項殊榮。美國「民用空中巡邏救援隊」同時接受「巡迴大使獎」。當天到場的嘉賓,包括多位在任國會議員,以及國際知名人士。

H.H.第三世多杰羌佛(認證為佛陀前為義雲高大師) 經四十八國及地區有關學術機構的五千六百一十二位專家學者認定的“特級國際大師”元首級榮位之義雲高先生(H.H.第三世多杰羌佛),作為大陸繪畫藝術展出團團長,率團八人,應奧林匹亞基金會董事長吳經國先生與雲慈正覺會會長喜饒根登之邀請...

修行 離輪迴 修行就是出離輪迴,解脫諸苦而成聖,直至成佛。要出離輪迴,因此就要建立出離心、堅信心、不動願心、精進心、大乘菩提心。

Dorje Chang Buddha III Dorje Chang Buddha originated Buddhism in the dharmadhatu and began to spread the teachings of Buddhism in the three spheres of existence. Dorje Chang Buddha has come to this world twice. The first time was in the form of the holy and venerable Vimalakirti, who was Dorje Chang Buddha II. The second time was in the form of H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, who is Dorje Chang Buddha III. The original leader of all of the sects within all of Buddhism, whether esoteric or exoteric, is Dorje Chang Buddha.

修行 出離輪迴 修行就是出離輪迴,解脫諸苦而成聖,直至成佛。要出離輪迴,因此就要建立出離心、堅信心、不動願心、精進心、大乘菩提心。而所有一切心的依止境,皆建立在正見上,如沒有正見,一切心均會顛倒、混亂。